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A beginner’s guide to video game collecting: Part 2

— Xbox, PlayStation, and genre choises

Welcome to the second part of our video game collecting guide. In this post, we’ll dive into the specifics of starting your collection with Xbox and PlayStation games, and how to choose a focus based on genre.

Xbox and PlayStation

If you are considering starting with either Xbox or PlayStation, it is certainly an easy road to take. Most former PlayStation and Xbox owners see the disc format as entirely disposable. The sheer volume of titles produced (there are almost 4,000 PS2 games) means these games are everywhere, and you can often pick up most titles for anywhere between $5–10.

Choosing a focus

Genre — Are you into survival horror, platformers, or beat ’em ups? Find your niche and start from there.

Classics — This is a common start for most collectors. Begin with the biggest, key titles like THPS2, Call of Duty, Tekken, and expand from there.

Rarity — As with any collectible, there are plenty of rare titles. If your collecting dreams are full of the thrill of the hunt, make a list, prioritize, and most importantly, don’t overstretch your budget.

Choosing a focus for your video game collection can help you stay organized and motivated. Whether you start with Xbox, PlayStation, or a specific genre, there’s a vast world of games waiting to be discovered. Ready to dive deeper into video game collecting? Check out our next guide to explore the world of Sega and Nintendo collections.

Read the next episode for Sega, Nintendo, and buying tips:

A beginner’s guide to video game collecting: Part 2 was originally published in Golisto on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.