pioneer program


Help us build the best marketplace in the hobby space.

Our Pioneer program is for you who want to help us succeed in building the safest marketplace to trade video games, toys and memorabilia.

Only 3 / month

Choose a plan


€3 / monthly*

1 weekly raffle tickets


€20 / yearly*

Save 44%

5 weekly raffle tickets

*We automatically renew your Pioneer subscription and charge you based on the plan you have chosen. You can always change your subscription plan in your settings and in the confirmation email we'll send you when we receive your payment.

The perks

Weekly raffles

Our members-only raffles gives you a chance of winning rare collectibles every week, all year long!


Exclusive badge

Receive a Pioneer badge that will adorn your profile, as long as you’re on the plan.


Access to Pioneer community

Access an exclusive community of pioneers and get early access to new features.


Discount on future plans

Activate the yearly plan and get 25% discount on upcoming plans when you upgrade.

A short introduction from our Community Manager Dennis
What do our users say

We’ve already got a huge community with access to a variety of our perks. Let them validate what we’re trying to build.

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testimonial logo

Golisto has become my top choice marketplace for buying, selling and auctioning my treasured Pokémon retro video games.

testimonial user image

Imad Anouti

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Thanks to Golisto i now own a NES Mini, it's awesome to get the chance to win prizes by being a pioneer!

testimonial user image

Christoffer Wideking

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Their worldwide presence has enabled me to find rare figures that I have been seeking for a long time.

testimonial user image

Janča Hradilová

Choose a plan


€3 / monthly*

1 weekly raffle tickets


€20 / yearly*

Save 44%

5 weekly raffle tickets

*We automatically renew your Pioneer subscription and charge you based on the plan you have chosen. You can always change your subscription plan in your settings and in the confirmation email we'll send you when we receive your payment.

Collect with confidence on iOS and Android

Apple App Store
Google Play Store
Golisto Profile Mark Hamill